Strange days and sticky feet…

Yesterday was kinda weird. Woke up super early for a conference call with my “nemesis” and then had to wait one whole hour for him to call me back. Yep, one hour I coulda been sleeping! Nice. And then, was all set to feel vengeful and angry when I hung up, but, the truth is, I just felt kinda sad. I’ve known this dude for a while now and, yeah, he totally screwed me over and things are probably gonna get really ugly from here on out, but, all I could feel was sad when we hung up. Urgh…maybe I’m too nice.

Anyway, five minutes after I got off the phone the clouds moved in…literally! It had been sunny and nice all morning and then, the gloom set in. Perfect timing, really cheered me up…thanks, weather Gods. On top of all that, Greta wasn’t feeling well, so, we were housebound for most of the morning.

Tried to cheer myself up by cleaning — call me crazy, but that usually works — and then, the vacuum broke. Yep, our fancy-ass Hoover LiNX broke again. But one good thing about fancy-ass vacuums is that they have awesome, thousand-year warranties, so, all I had to do was drive it to a local repair shop where it should be fixed and ready to cheer me up again by Friday. Hooray!

To celebrate this news, Greta (who assured me she was feeling “much better”) and I swung by Toys”R”Us on our way home and admired all the shiny new “Star Wars” and Barbie stuff. Good times! Actually, really good times, we were there for almost two hours. I don’t know which of us had more fun, but, it was, by far, the best part of my day. Speaking of fun, did you know they have Darth Vader-shaped USB drives? Ingenious!

Headed home, made dinner, watched a little Tivo and then I hopped in the shower where I discovered a foam craft sticker stuck to the bottom of my foot. Lord knows how long it had been there, but I had to practically chisel that thing off. It was really, really stuck. I know, totally symbolic, right? Something stuck on me, feeling stuck in general, suddenly unsticking myself from a former colleague, wow…you could go on and on…but all I know is that, like a band-aid, once I ripped that thing off, my foot felt fantastic and I slept like a baby.

Three cheers for the unstuck!


Filed under Daddy stuff, Writing Stuff

2 responses to “Strange days and sticky feet…

  1. and ToysRUs Saved the day 🙂 The weather got gloomy here all of the sudden today too. What’s up with that?

  2. nadia

    I really enjoy reading up on your mishaps-aka life! As a fellow writer/parent, I know exactly what you mean and the “bandaid relationship”–stuck. Whatever you do, keep writing, as it glorifies my predicaments by letting me know, all the perils we as stay at home parents in this industry face! And to the foam craft stickers–that’s almost 99% of pop! We b just to nice for them.

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