Merry Christmas (2014)

I know this is more than a few days overdue, but we’ve been insanely behind on everything holiday-related this season. So, sorry! Believe it or not, this was actually the first year in our married life (and my adult life, period!) that Mrs. Yeti and I didn’t send out Christmas cards either! Yikes…such slackers…

Anyway, I guess the good news is that since we already have the Christmas cards purchased, we’ll be able to start working on them that much faster this coming Christmas! Ha! Either way, here’s hoping the holidays were good to you and that the year ahead is even better! Merry belated Christmas, amigos.

As you can see from the pic, Greta wore her Elsa Halloween costume to her visit with Santa. Yep, it was that kind of year. Enjoy!



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Filed under Daddy stuff, Greta stuff, Holidays, Mommy Stuff, Uncategorized

One response to “Merry Christmas (2014)

  1. Ginger

    Always enjoy seeing Greta with the same friendly Santa year to year.

    Yes, the Christmas card problem was what I dealt with last year when my housemates and I moved to our new house. It was actually pretty cool to have the cards all ready to go for this year! 😀

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