You’ve come a long way, baby…

Yesterday was Greta’s last ballet class of the year and to celebrate this monumental event, her teacher, Miss Sommer, let the parents actually sit in the studio and take pics and video of the class in session. We invited my brother and his wife (aka Uncle Guy Guy and Aunt Laura) and this is the perfect snapshot he captured of Greta in the studio.

As you can see from the confident little glint in her eyes, any initial fears she may have had about taking a ballet/tap class are long gone and she’s just as hammy when cameras are around as the rest of us. Ha! Congrats on your first three months as a ballerina, sweetie. Long may you jeté!


Filed under Daddy stuff, Good Baby

2 responses to “You’ve come a long way, baby…

  1. WENDY

    So cute! Can I share this on FB?

  2. OMG, totally! I just haven’t had a chance to upload them all yet. But, share away, mama! 🙂

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