Tag Archives: freelance

Whole lotta nothing…

Urgh, you know those times when there are so many things you should be doing that you get all overwhelmed and end up doing nothing? Well, this has been one of those weeks. I don’t know if it’s the fact that our precious Olympics are over (actually, we still have hours of coverage left on our Tivo, so, who am I kidding?) or the heat, or what, but, man, I am just spent.

Greta is finishing up her second, and final, week of swimming lessons, I’ve been trying to get as much work done as I can on the new freelance piece I’m writing, and we’re all trying to pack and prepare for our trip to NYC. It’s just a lot of stuff to do and a very small window in which to do it. All I know is that I need a break, big time.

Thankfully, we are leaving town for ten days on Saturday. Although some might see ten days of sweaty, New York City mugginess as anything but a vacation, lemme tell ya, I can’t wait! And since we are traveling on a budget (or, on more of a budget than usual) I’ve already mapped out all my favorite cheap places to eat. Actually, that’s what I’ve been doing for the last two hours. See what I mean? Instead of doing anything worthwhile, I’ve been Google mapping the Dunkin’ Donuts locations that are closest to our hotel.

Totally lame, I know, but, it soothes me somehow to think of drinking their iced coffee for breakfast every morning. Not only is it dirt cheap, but, it is one of life’s greatest joys. Seriously, it’s delicious. The hot variety, eh, not so much. But, iced with a little milk, that shit is golden, baby! Of course, maybe I’m just saying that because we don’t have DD out here yet.

In any case, I now know that the nearest Dunkin’ is a four minute walk (probably ten with Miss Greta) from our hotel room and that to get there, we have to take Fashion Avenue. Yep, the one they always show on Project Runway. Cheap, hearty iced coffee, and a casual stroll down Fashion Avenue with my favorite citified toddler every morning? I can’t wait!

And, who knows, maybe we’ll even stop at Mood for some cool fabric for Mommy…


Filed under Daddy stuff, Writing Stuff

Back to work

Believe it or not, the Stay-at-Home-Yeti has returned to the land of the moneymakers. Not like, gigantic moneymakers, but, I did earn my first paycheck in a couple of years this week for a freelance article I wrote for APEX (Airline Passenger Experience) Magazine’s Editor’s Blog. And, lemme tell ya, it felt fucking wonderful!

The work was fun, the people I interviewed were awesome, and my editor (yes, amigos, I have an editor) was great! And I’m not just saying that because she commissioned me to write another article for the November print edition of APEX magazine. Well…maybe just a little.

But, seriously, she really is a top-notch editor and the work has been incredibly fun. I’m learning all kinds of cool new things every day, using writing muscles I didn’t even know I had, and it’s been a blast. So what if I had to interrupt a phone interview with a dude in France on Tuesday to peel a banana for Greta? At least I didn’t have to leave the house!

Now, if I could just turn this into a regular, ongoing thing, (not the banana peeling, but, you know, the freelance writing gigs) all would truly be right with the world…

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Filed under Daddy stuff, Writing Stuff