Tag Archives: writers on writing

BlogPress App for iPad

Hey again. See, I told you you’d get sick of me pretty quick. Anyway, just wanted to write about this super cool new App I bought tonight. See, another big reason I haven’t been blogging is that it’s really, really hard to do it on an iPad Mini or even a regular iPad for that matter. I don’t know why it is, but, there are just certain things that you can’t do easily when blogging on an iPad, which, to me is totally lame, because, that’s part of the fun of having this shiny little bauble in your pocket in the first place. Yes, my iPad Mini fits in my jacket pocket. Cool, huh? But, I’m always worried I’m gonna forget it’s there and sit down on it or something, so, I usually keep it in my backpack with the baby wipes, bandaids, extra panties and all the other craziness I carry around all day.

Anyway, we were talking about blogging on an iPad. Like I said, it’s hard and time consuming, so, I usually just give up and don’t blog. But, that started to annoy me, so, after a terrible night of blogging (last night) on my laptop (which has problems of it’s own that I won’t bore you with now) I tried blogging again on my iPad using the official WordPress App and guess what happened? I lost my entire blog post. TWICE! I actually had to retype (retype!!) the entire post in Word on my laptop and then paste it into the WordPress program that way. So f-ing annoying!

So, today, while Greta made me a lovely imaginary breakfast of strawberry tea and eggs with some kind of frosting on them, I did a little research and discovered, BlogPress, the lovely blogging App that I am currently using to write this with. So far, so good. I can upload pics and videos in a flash, I can type my posts much, much faster than I could on the WordPress App and best of all, BlogPress links up with your blog automatically, so, you don’t have to know shit about computers. Hooray!

Anyway, just wanted to give them a shout out. Thanks, BlogPress, you are worth every cent of the $2.99 sale price I paid for you at the iTunes App Store! Oh, and just for the record, the extra panties in my backpack are not for me. Thanks.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Los Angeles


Filed under Daddy stuff, Writing Stuff

Back to work

Believe it or not, the Stay-at-Home-Yeti has returned to the land of the moneymakers. Not like, gigantic moneymakers, but, I did earn my first paycheck in a couple of years this week for a freelance article I wrote for APEX (Airline Passenger Experience) Magazine’s Editor’s Blog. And, lemme tell ya, it felt fucking wonderful!

The work was fun, the people I interviewed were awesome, and my editor (yes, amigos, I have an editor) was great! And I’m not just saying that because she commissioned me to write another article for the November print edition of APEX magazine. Well…maybe just a little.

But, seriously, she really is a top-notch editor and the work has been incredibly fun. I’m learning all kinds of cool new things every day, using writing muscles I didn’t even know I had, and it’s been a blast. So what if I had to interrupt a phone interview with a dude in France on Tuesday to peel a banana for Greta? At least I didn’t have to leave the house!

Now, if I could just turn this into a regular, ongoing thing, (not the banana peeling, but, you know, the freelance writing gigs) all would truly be right with the world…

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Filed under Daddy stuff, Writing Stuff

When in doubt…write!

My favorite screenwriting teacher in college gave me some very good advice one time. He said that when life gets hard and shitty and it seems like there is no good outcome anywhere on the horizon…real writers, true writers, just keep writing.

Blowhard producer hated you last draft? Keep writing. Studio exec passed on your spec? Write another one. Writing partner who you thought you knew after working together for ten-plus years totally screw you over? Fuck em, and get to work on something else.

Not only is this is a totally simple solution to the age old problem of writer’s angst — in case you haven’t noticed, we’re a pretty obsessive, neurotic lot — but, it actually works. Stewing over slights perceived and otherwise is greatly overrated, my friends. The best way to feel better after getting screwed or rejected or whatever is to write something new. Even if it’s only an angry “fuck-you-letter” that you’ll never send, the simple act of putting words on a page is healing.

And you don’t have to be a screenwriter either, real writers (even real bad writers) just feel better somehow when they write. So, let your pens flow, amigos. And if you’re not ready to make lemonade out all the lemony bullshit that’s been flowing your way lately (sorry, back to myself again) then at the very least, you can write about it. Or not. Hell, write about something completely different.

The important thing is to just keep writing. Ever. Single. Day.



Filed under Daddy stuff, Writing Stuff