Tag Archives: sugary

Cadbury Screme Eggs!

OK, I know I just gushed poetic about the current crop of pumpkintastic seasonal food offerings at Trader Joe's, but, Greta and I stumbled upon another fun Halloween-ish treat over the weekend that I simply had to share with you. So, please bear with me as I give you Cadbury Screme Eggs!

That's right, amigos, Cadbury eggs aren't just for Easter anymore! And though Greta swears the oozing green filling tastes like melted mint chocolate chip ice cream. I think they taste pretty much the same as the sugary yellow and white Cadbury goodness we've all come to love (or loathe!) over the years. Except for the fact that they're, you know, a sickly green color!

Anyway, Greta was so excited about these tasty treats that she had me film her eating one for the first time on her Planet Greta blog. We even added a little Halloween movie magic to this shoot too, so, enjoy the clip below and happy October!

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Filed under Daddy stuff, Food, Greta stuff, Holidays

Aunt Marcia’s Cave of Wonders

My wife’s family has a new house up here, built right next to the old house on the sprawling green farm where they all grew up, and it’s lovely. Big, roomy, plenty of sunlight, a yard that like, literally never ends. But Greta’s favorite feature of the new digs is my Sister-in-Law, Marcia’s, gigantic walk-in pantry. What’s so cool about a walk-in-pantry you ask?

Well, this one is filled to the gills with every type of sugary, sweet, or savory snack food you can imagine. I’m not kidding, it’s like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory merged with Lays and Pringles or some shit. And for a somewhat-crunchy kid who’s biggest so-good-it’s-bad-for-you treat is usually a bowl of strawberry ice cream or a fruit popsicle at the park, this pantry is like, heaven on earth.

At least once, every day we’ve been here, Greta has run inside the pantry, closed the beautiful, beveled glass door behind her and just stared at all the goodies on the shelf. It’s so funny, you can see her through the glass just staring at the stuff in there with these big old, sugar-coma eyes. I know it sounds crazy, but, I’d be a total hypocrite if I said I didn’t get lost in that cave of wonders myself sometimes too. I mean, seriously, did you know they made S’mores Pop-Tarts? Insanity!

Digging around in the cave of wonders it is readily apparent that the major food manufacturers have found a way to make even the most healthy-sounding treat completely fattening. Take for instance the cereal bar Greta had for breakfast the other day. Cereal bars to me sound like something made with granola or oatmeal and honey and stuff. Maybe, if you’re really dreaming big, it might even have some raisins or chocolate chips thrown in for good measure, right?

Well, not this one! The cereal bar Greta devoured in mere minutes last week was made entirely of Lucky Charms cereal (colorful, multi-shaped marshmallows included!) and then brushed with sweet, vanilla frosting. Yep, frosting! I have never tasted anything so delicious and/or bad for you at the same time in my life. It was awesome, and so far afield from anything Greta would ever get to eat at home, that she just about flipped her lid. Actually, I take that back, I think she really did flip her lid. Seriously. She was high as a kite.

So, my advice to her is to enjoy it now. Because, as you well know, snack time at our house is never this good…or, you know, bad. Either way, next week, it’s back to rice cakes and organic fruit leathers for your cute behind…


Filed under Crazy Relatives, Daddy stuff, Good Baby