Tag Archives: wrapping presents

Christmas presents wrapped: check

Urgh, what a day. Greta was kinda sluggish and tired all day, no fever or anything, just a general blah-ness I guess. Anyway, she skipped her nap and then fell into a deep, deep sleep right before we ate dinner. Mrs. Yeti and I decided she needed the sleep and figured she’d probably sleep through the night…but, guess what happened? Yep, you got it. She woke up four hours later and proclaimed herself “healed”. Yes, she actually said that, it was hilarious.

So, seeing as it was well after midnight, guess who got to stay up with the newly healed patient? Right again! Honestly, it was no big deal and it was kinda fun to hang with her since she’d been so blah all day, but the best news of all is that we spent our time together wrapping the bulk of our Christmas presents. Meaning, most of the bigger boxes and all of the stuff we bought Mrs. Yeti. So, hooray for us, our beautiful little tree actually has presents under it!

Now, if I could just get those damned Christmas cards started all would be right with the world…

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Filed under Daddy stuff, Good Baby, Holidays