Tag Archives: iPad Mini

BlogPress App for iPad

Hey again. See, I told you you’d get sick of me pretty quick. Anyway, just wanted to write about this super cool new App I bought tonight. See, another big reason I haven’t been blogging is that it’s really, really hard to do it on an iPad Mini or even a regular iPad for that matter. I don’t know why it is, but, there are just certain things that you can’t do easily when blogging on an iPad, which, to me is totally lame, because, that’s part of the fun of having this shiny little bauble in your pocket in the first place. Yes, my iPad Mini fits in my jacket pocket. Cool, huh? But, I’m always worried I’m gonna forget it’s there and sit down on it or something, so, I usually keep it in my backpack with the baby wipes, bandaids, extra panties and all the other craziness I carry around all day.

Anyway, we were talking about blogging on an iPad. Like I said, it’s hard and time consuming, so, I usually just give up and don’t blog. But, that started to annoy me, so, after a terrible night of blogging (last night) on my laptop (which has problems of it’s own that I won’t bore you with now) I tried blogging again on my iPad using the official WordPress App and guess what happened? I lost my entire blog post. TWICE! I actually had to retype (retype!!) the entire post in Word on my laptop and then paste it into the WordPress program that way. So f-ing annoying!

So, today, while Greta made me a lovely imaginary breakfast of strawberry tea and eggs with some kind of frosting on them, I did a little research and discovered, BlogPress, the lovely blogging App that I am currently using to write this with. So far, so good. I can upload pics and videos in a flash, I can type my posts much, much faster than I could on the WordPress App and best of all, BlogPress links up with your blog automatically, so, you don’t have to know shit about computers. Hooray!

Anyway, just wanted to give them a shout out. Thanks, BlogPress, you are worth every cent of the $2.99 sale price I paid for you at the iTunes App Store! Oh, and just for the record, the extra panties in my backpack are not for me. Thanks.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Los Angeles


Filed under Daddy stuff, Writing Stuff

The New Normal

If I’m lucky some of you have probably been wondering where I’ve been for the last few weeks. So, for the hearty few that have stuck with my poor, ill-fed blog lately, I’ll fill you in. First off, I had a number of crushing writing deadlines to meet in the month of December and that kept me a little busier than I liked. Come to think of it, it was probably the hardest I’ve worked since I made a go of this whole stay-at-home-yeti thing three years ago. Seriously, it was a pretty punishing schedule for any time of the year, but, when you toss in the holidays and all the craziness that that entails, well…lets just say I’m glad it’s over.

And though Greta was devastated at the fact that we couldn’t leave our Christmas tree up all year long, I’ve never been happier to put it all away. I know I sound like an old Scrooge, but, the clutter of Christmas really stressed me out this year. All I wanted for Christmas was a clean, clutter free house to work in…and an iPad Mini. Preferably in black.

Luckily for me, I got both, and once the tree and stockings were packed away in the garage. My daily workload shot way up. So, yay for me. Of course, anytime I get a lot of work done I can’t help but feeling guilty for ignoring Greta. Yes, she loves to play alone in her room with her Barbies and My Little Ponys for hours…but, I still feel bad anytime I’m knee deep in work and she’s craving attention. So, we worked out a little deal most days. “Let Daddy work for thirty minutes and then I’ll come play Barbies.” I’d say. “That’s not a good idea.” She’d say. “Here’s a better idea…FIRST you play Barbies in my room, then you work.”

You can guess who usually won that argument.

Anyway, despite the distractions, I did manage to meet all my deadlines and even squeeze in a very last-minute, whirlwind trip to Dubai and the Maldives to cover the inagural flight of flydubai’s new non-stop service to the Maldives. The trip was amazing and though I’d like to say I got loads of sleep on the beaches there while the Indian Ocean lapped at my feet, my time on the beach was limited to a few dips in the water and one long nap on my private deck. Yes, we had private decks with full ocean access…swanky, huh? And though the trip was magical and it was strangely liberating to not have to worry about carseasts and sippy cups for a few days, I came home with loads more work, so, it’s back to crazy town any day now. Actually, the deadlines are a little more evenly spaced this time around, and there’s not that pesky old Christmas/New Years crush to jam me up. But, we do have loads of birthdays, an Oscar party and Greta’s fourth birthday party to plan, so, the next couple of months promise to go by in another crazy blur of activity.

So, if you don’t hear from me for a while, know that I am juggling the twin joys of my life (parenting and writing) the best I can and that somewhere a Barbie is being played with.

Oh yeah, and about my new iPad Mini. It’s wondrous! I don’t know how I lived without it all these years…almost makes me want to add it to my list of “joys in my life”. But, then I think Mrs. Yeti might start to feel a little bit slighted. Aw, screw it, I’m adding my Mini to the list, Mrs. Yeti too. Who says you can’t have four joys in your life?


Filed under Daddy stuff, Writing Stuff